A dose of Horses, Art and Health

This blog is for working on my passions, and somewhere where I can put what I learn about horses, art and health. I want to train horses, get healthy, write my book and work on my art, and what better way to share than to blog? So, here we go...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Loving Every Minute

I know, I know....I haven't written in about a week! Work has been keeping me jumping.
Last Friday with Hobbie was wonderful! Because the previous week was so rough with going straight down the fence rail at a trot, we tried again. But we used different tactics. Instead of just going for it and trying to make it work, we did something different. In one of the articles I've been reading, I think it was actually 0n Pinterest, it reminded me that horses do better when they have something to think about. So, we started at the walk along the fence and did transitions to a halt. He didn't spook or try to swivel out of position. Then we tried again at the trot, going first to walking transitions, and then throwing in some halts. I do have to say, Hobbie is impressing me. He was great! Only a few hiccups! He is also going from EEnglish to western position flawlessly. We did some Western reining figure eights at the walk and circles at the trot and he was great.

On Sunday, we worked again on Parelli and lunging with nothing but the halter on again. His tempo is impressive on a free lunge and he is responding really well to my commands, going easily from walk to trot and even down to a halt. I finally got to have him canter on the lunge, and he was great at that to, although a little sluggish. He only broke once. The yo yo game confused him completely for the most part, haha! But we made very slight progress so of course I praised him and gave him treats.

Tomorrow we may try to play the porcupine game also, as we have some more time. I'm loving every minute of playing with a horse again.

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