A dose of Horses, Art and Health

This blog is for working on my passions, and somewhere where I can put what I learn about horses, art and health. I want to train horses, get healthy, write my book and work on my art, and what better way to share than to blog? So, here we go...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Alright! I am sorry I did not post this yesterday!

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

2 tbs olive oil
1 pound diced chicken
1 tablespoon minced ginger
1 large red bell pepper, finely diced
1 8 ounce can of water chestnuts, rinsed and chopped
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
6-8 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 tsp cinnamon
1tsp chili powder
salt and pepper
one to two heads of lettuce
1 cup brown rice

Bring 1 cup chicken broth to boil in saucepan add brown rice, reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 6 minutes (brown rice for any occasion cooked this way is very tasty).

Original recipe suggests cooking chicken in sesame oil, I do not like the taste so I use regular olive oil. Cook chicken and ginger until chicken is cooked through.

Add 1/2 cup chicken broth, bell pepper, water chestnuts, spices and carrot and let simmer for about 8 minutes to desired vegetable taste. Add hoisin sauce and about 1/2 cup of brown rice, cook for 2 more minutes.

Place brown rice and chicken mix on large lettuce leaves and enjoy! Brown rice also works well as a side if you desire one.

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