A dose of Horses, Art and Health

This blog is for working on my passions, and somewhere where I can put what I learn about horses, art and health. I want to train horses, get healthy, write my book and work on my art, and what better way to share than to blog? So, here we go...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lucky Charms!

So my husband and I decided to buy this bottle of wine. I’ve seen these really cool bottles filled with all sorts of stuff, but of course when I find a cool bottle, I don’t have any idea what to fill it with to make it pretty! So, thanks to lots of pinteresting, I decided to go with stars! They are pretty simple to make, I used scrapbook paper and scissors, and a ruler isn’t a bad idea but I don’t know where mine is, haha! So, with a scrapbook paper for stars, you probably want your strips between a quarter and a half inch thick. Then, make a knot with the paper, pressing the folds flat to make a pentagon.  Fold the paper over itself, keeping it in the pentagon shape. When you reach the end of the strip, fold the end into the open triangle at the base of the pentagon. This is the video that shows the process really well, and the person’s original link for the pictures that I got the idea. I like the idea of them on string too, cute decorating idea.

and their video

thecheesethief video

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good Food and Weight Loss

I have lost 9 pounds in about a month! Awesome! So, the best thing to do is get yourself somewhere to keep track of calories. My doctor suggested MyFitnessPal on the iPad or iPhone, I love it. It has almost every food I eat in it, and if the restaurant is not in it, you can just look up the food and there are usually tons of listings. I always pick the one with how much I ate, or the most calories so I’m not cheating myself….we all know we want to, so do I! So, I absolutely love food, it is really easy for me to snack all day. I also have a very weird schedule. Some mornings for work, I am up at 4:30 and could never seem to find the time to eat. This means that by lunchtime, I am so hungry I feel like I could eat 2 big steaks! My doctor says protein fills you up fastest and longest, he’s got me on the protein drink called Boost, and or cheese. Most healthy drinks, I just hate the flavor of, they say chocolate, I go no way! And they usually are not very good. Boost seems to be tolerable, I have only tried the vanilla, it’s better than any other I have tried. I also have been eating lots of string cheese. I know it has more fat than we want, but it is light, and lasts in my fridge way longer than meat. Meat is an alternative though. The light string cheese at Trader Joe’s is awesome. Here is another helpful hint about the programs to keep your calories down. I have noticed most websites and even MyFitnessPal give you way too many calories per day. I am 5’4 and to lose weight, can only eat 1400 calories per day. My sister went to a fitness health program, she’s 5’3 and can only eat 1350 calories per day. Don’t let this stop you, though! I totally understand, I need my sugar or I go crazy and get bitchy….eat the cookie! Just make sure for dinner, you have salad! Or exercise. I hope some of this helped! I know it is hard; I personally am worried about keeping it up. I have tried to lose weight twice last year, and this year when I started, I did not lose weight for 3 months! Don't give up, thgou! I am personally setting myself a goal of 15 pounds at a time, because that is way better than the 70 or more pounds I have to lose. Looking at it that way is frightening. My best friend also got me hooked on another very good drink for you, Diet V8 Splash! Very good for you, good juice flavor and low in calories!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blog Title!

So I have fervently been working on a new blog title and finally came up with one. What do you think?! So exciting! The horse is a personal logo I created for myself a few years ago and have updated slightly since. The blog name will also be my stable name...when if ever I get my own business going! I've been thinking about it a lot, I am going to start promoting my horse training. Exciting! And my "future art studio" has a theme! It is going to be night themed, so lots of stars and some sort of moon! More coming later.......

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Change in Pace

Alright! Something new and different today, I am throwing up some of my photography! These are from the greenways and parks in Charlotte, NC this spring. Tell me what you think! The  first one, the color is edited for more vibrant color. The cherry blossoms bloomed a month early this year, I've got one in image #6 and will try to get more posted at a later date. They were beautiful!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


So work, school and vacation have kept me from writing. I didn't ride last week due to Easter, but we did some desensitizing on Monday, played with a yoga ball! Hobbie was a little shy at first, but only about a half an hour we were bouncing it on his back and rolling it toward his ears. His lunging has greatly improved, his transitions from walk to trot and trot to walk are almost seamless with small commands free lunging, I'm really proud. His canter is rough, but he's just not strong enough to hold it for long yet. Oh my, our ride on Friday was awful. We played with a plastic bag and he was great, head to toe rubbing him down. He needs that a few more times I think though. But when we rode, for some reason he was shying away really bad of pretty much the ground. No progress, but we did at least calm down and go forward after lots of positive motivation. We have a lot more to work on if he's going to shy like that toward stuff. I think next time I need to take a tarp out...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Working on Balance, Position and Speed

So last Friday, the 16th of March, I didn't bother posting because it was an off day, one of those where if you are relaxed about it, you shrug and go "oh well, maybe next time." Yesterday on the other hand was awesome. We played the friendly game and the yo yo game. He was extremely energetic on the lunge line, I just let him get out some of that excess energy. Instead of using his bridle provided which has a pelham as the bit, we used a loose ring snaffle. I've only seen it pinch one horse's mouth before, I know there is some controversy about it, but I am keeping an eye out so if I need to switch bits again we can. I also rode in my dressage saddle, oh how I missed it! I have a Wintec, which is what I've been riding in. My Wintec is a wonderful all purpose saddle that is made of plastic, so it won't die in the rain. It's an awesome saddle, has always fit every horse I've put it on. I was surprised my dressage saddle is the same, fits most horses, even those hard to fit horses like my last horse, Fred. He was very narrow at the withers and I actually purchased the dressage saddle to fit Fred. Oh, how nice it was to ride in it again though! The difference between the Wintec and my dressage saddle is like comparing a wooden chair to a huge comfy couch that you could sit all day on. But, enough about my saddles. Hobbie in the new bit was spectacular! I have never seen a horse go from a pelham to a snaffle and fight the bit less. He was amazing! I mean, this is what? My fourth ride, and I don't expect perfection, but he is a little miracle horse! I really wanted to do some leg yield because he was being so impressive, but I decided being able to do straight lines is probably more important first. So we stayed on our twenty meter circle and he was very responsive and framed with a nice steady tempo both ways at the trot. We succeeded at a few steady beautiful paces at the canter, and then did some perfect straight lines across the field without fighting or leaning one way or another. I am so proud! I hope when I get my next horse, they are as responsive as Hobbie is. I don't know if I should even put side reins on him or not. I've always used them as an aid to help with horses fighting their frame when riding, but Hobbie has come so far so fast, I don't know if he needs it. I guess a few more rides will tell.

So, balance of you and your horse are very important. This is why my first time on Hobbie, this is all we worked on and all I really have been talking about. When you and your horse are in sync and nice and balanced, it is so much easier to ask your horse to do what you want him to do. I just read an article I found off of Pinterest, I actually didn't like it so I am not going to share, but I wanted to pose my side. The article was about shortening your steps for a more balanced horse and rider, which is good. But it only stated that you use your leg to go and your rein to stop.

Ok. Yes, your horse should know to stop when you use the rein. BUT, you should never just stop your horse by only using your rein. In a solid balanced position, you should be using your whole body to stop the horse and only a very slight pressure on the rein. She has some great exercises and suggestions, but don't ever forget, your reins are only an aid, not your only tool. Your legs and your seat are your first tool. On Hobbie, even only in our fourth week, I always have contact to his mouth, but the rein is light in my fingers and when I ask for something it is with a gentle touch of the reign and more use of my body, stopping my motion and his from the core. Don't ever forget, horses are very sensitive. If you are relaxed and he is relaxed, it should only be slight pressure from your body and aids.

When trainers were trying to teach me to move with the horse, it took a long time and the right trainer to really find my seat. Unfortunately I don't remember exactly what she said, but how I think of it now is using my abbs for that stopping or slowing motion. If your abbs are moving correctly with the horse while moving, left side slightly forward with his left foot forward and opposite, when you tuck your abbs in and hold, stopping the connection of movement with your horse, your horse should respond with a downward movement. It's like taking your diaphragm and pushing down, or kind of almost sucking your tummy in and pushing down at the same time? I am trying to think of different ways to say it because I had such a hard time understanding it when I was taught. I swear I worked with one trainer for years and she never really got it through my head.

So, a good exercise for learning how to do this and getting really awesome downward transitions is to try this downward movement from the trot to walk without using your reins. If your horse slows to a walk, GO YOU! If not, after a few practices, ask with only a touch of the rein to ask him to slow and see what happens. To help you know how little pressure you should use on your reins, think about when you watch the best riders. You can't ever tell their hands are moving when they "talk" to their horses. Transitions are also great to make sure you and your horse have good balance and are communicating well. It sets you up for all the fun stuff you are about to do!

Oh! And, going back to the article topic. You do want to half-halt to bring a horse into a smaller step. If this is what you are asking for instead of a full on stop, you use a step or two of your abbs stopping motion and your half-halt at the same time to ask for this. Don' t forget, tiny touch of the rein. I know no one wants to hear this, but it is a lot easier to feel all of this motion in a sitting trot.

Ok, enough for today! I hope some of this was helpful!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Loving Every Minute

I know, I know....I haven't written in about a week! Work has been keeping me jumping.
Last Friday with Hobbie was wonderful! Because the previous week was so rough with going straight down the fence rail at a trot, we tried again. But we used different tactics. Instead of just going for it and trying to make it work, we did something different. In one of the articles I've been reading, I think it was actually 0n Pinterest, it reminded me that horses do better when they have something to think about. So, we started at the walk along the fence and did transitions to a halt. He didn't spook or try to swivel out of position. Then we tried again at the trot, going first to walking transitions, and then throwing in some halts. I do have to say, Hobbie is impressing me. He was great! Only a few hiccups! He is also going from EEnglish to western position flawlessly. We did some Western reining figure eights at the walk and circles at the trot and he was great.

On Sunday, we worked again on Parelli and lunging with nothing but the halter on again. His tempo is impressive on a free lunge and he is responding really well to my commands, going easily from walk to trot and even down to a halt. I finally got to have him canter on the lunge, and he was great at that to, although a little sluggish. He only broke once. The yo yo game confused him completely for the most part, haha! But we made very slight progress so of course I praised him and gave him treats.

Tomorrow we may try to play the porcupine game also, as we have some more time. I'm loving every minute of playing with a horse again.