A dose of Horses, Art and Health

This blog is for working on my passions, and somewhere where I can put what I learn about horses, art and health. I want to train horses, get healthy, write my book and work on my art, and what better way to share than to blog? So, here we go...

Saturday, April 14, 2012


So work, school and vacation have kept me from writing. I didn't ride last week due to Easter, but we did some desensitizing on Monday, played with a yoga ball! Hobbie was a little shy at first, but only about a half an hour we were bouncing it on his back and rolling it toward his ears. His lunging has greatly improved, his transitions from walk to trot and trot to walk are almost seamless with small commands free lunging, I'm really proud. His canter is rough, but he's just not strong enough to hold it for long yet. Oh my, our ride on Friday was awful. We played with a plastic bag and he was great, head to toe rubbing him down. He needs that a few more times I think though. But when we rode, for some reason he was shying away really bad of pretty much the ground. No progress, but we did at least calm down and go forward after lots of positive motivation. We have a lot more to work on if he's going to shy like that toward stuff. I think next time I need to take a tarp out...

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