A dose of Horses, Art and Health

This blog is for working on my passions, and somewhere where I can put what I learn about horses, art and health. I want to train horses, get healthy, write my book and work on my art, and what better way to share than to blog? So, here we go...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 1

2/28/12 10:20 PM
I am going through all these changes and I don't really know where I'm going yet. But I want to keep track, I want a record of it all so I am starting this blog. Things finally feel like they might start going somewhere. I got my 2 year degree at the end of last term, WOOT! Very exciting! My counselor at CPCC said the most promising way to find a job is lots of small projects while going to school. I am very excited to say that my first offer is underfoot! I submitted my portfolio for my first mural. It is a grueling wait. The gentleman running the whole project likes my portfolio, so I finally at least have a foot in the door. Next is the client, but apparently they wait until the wall is ready to pick an artist…. OMG!! The guy said it could take another month! So, I am waiting…as patiently as I can… (with jumping excitement inside!) Because of this, though, I am reconnecting with my art, as I have not done much in the past two years, especially with transferring to a serious major next semester! As my best friend says, we are going in to classrooms full of kids right out of high school with really amazing talent who have kept up with their art, it’s almost like starting over for us at 24 and 25…. And I’ve never been very confident. I’m working on that.

Loosing weight? Going absolutely no where. I feel so guilty for craving desserts, and eating them lol. I have cut way back, am eating more fruits and veggies, walking 4-5 times a week for at least a half an hour, usually an hour and have been doing so for 2 months steady now (I took a 3 month winter break of frustration) with NO progress!!! Not 1 pound gone! I’m still tired as shit and of all things, today I’m sick. Two weeks ago, my best friend and I started walking with weights 2 times a week. I think it will help my arms with horseback riding as my arms always are my total downfall. I also for 2 weeks have been trying to drink more water. We’ll see if this helps.

Another positive though is my riding! Oh my, I am so excited! So my sister-in-law and I are going to start riding at her neighbor's house for free! Very exciting because of how often I can’t afford lessons…. And very exciting to get me back into the rhythm. I am so excited I get to train Hobbie a bit! So every negative has a positive. Oh my, I rode way too long! My butt and legs are sore, yesterday and today my walks were extremely slow and short. Friday, not such a long ride please…. HAHA!! But it was fun!

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